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How do I upload files with FTP?

Uploading Your Files With FTP

Once you receive the Welcome Email which contains your FTP server name, IP address, username, and password, you are ready to start uploading files into your new web hosting directory. There are a number of FTP programs on the market that can be used to upload your files, but we suggest using WS_FTP for the PC and Fetch for the Mac. When using any type of FTP program there are three essential things to keep in mind when connecting to your account.

1. Your Host Name would be your IP address, ftp server name or domain name.
2. Your username is the username we provided in the Welcome Email that we sent you.
3. Your password is the password we provided also in the Welcome Email that we sent you.
4. Passive mode must be the transfer mode used to get through our network firewall.

Keep in mind no matter what FTP programs you may be using, the four above items are needed to connect to your account.

Below are screen shot examples of how WS_FTP would look if you were to use it.

This is what the initial login screen would look like once you have a profile configured.

WS_FTP Web Site | Fetch Web Site


Home Directory

Once you logon you will be in your home directory. There are several files and folders already preinstalled in your home directory. All items have their own purpose. The 'public_html' shown here is a symbolic link to your default default web directory. Web accessible documents go here.

This is what your home directory will look like once you logon.

Double click on the "public_html" directory. Once in the publically accessible web directory "public_html" you can drag and drop your web documents from the local drive location shown on the left into the window on the right. This will begin the transfer of your files. A special tone will occur when the transfer is complete. Visit your homepage to see your changes.

SPECIAL NOTE: You should never delete or edit any files or folders that are installed initially throughout your home directory unless you absolutely know what you are doing.

Note to Microsoft FrontPage Users
Customers with FrontPage extensions installed on their site should use only the FrontPage publishing feature to transfer files. Using regular FTP can corrupt the extensions, disabling the functionality of the FrontPage web and requiring that the site be deleted to reinstall the extensions.

You can also view our video tutorials here.

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